Our Patron Saint

Name Day Celebration, November 7-8, 2023

See the 2022 and 2023 pictures on the Photo Gallery page (Parish Activities/Photo Gallery)


Apolytikion of the Archangel Michael

"O Michael, Leader of Hosts, who beholds things indescribable, since you are preferred with great privilege to the Heavenly Ones, and stands in glory before the unapproachable Throne, we beseech you by your intercessions to save us, who endure the hardships and tribulations and temptations."

In Daniel chapter 10, Michael the archangel comes to help Gabriel deliver a message to Daniel the prophet. Previously, Gabriel tried to deliver this message, but he was withheld for twenty-one days by the prince of the kingdom of Persia (a power of darkness). It is only when Michael arrives that Gabriel can break through to reach Daniel. Michael is the one who stands firmly with Gabriel against the powers of darkness. Later in Daniel 12, Michael is identified as the great prince who stands guard over the people of Israel. The tradition of dedicating a Church to the Prince of the Angels is very ancient indeed, dating back to Saint Constantine himself, the first Christian Emperor of Rome.

We are blessed to have Archangel Michael standing guard over our Church.


Name Day Celebration, November 7-8, 2023

The Synaxis of the Archangels to commemorate the name day of our church was a beautiful event.

It was well-attended by the parish and we had several guests. We were honored to have priests and deacons from Orthodox churches in other west central communities join us to celebrate.